The Bremer Canyon
Today we went on the Naturalist Charter Killer Whale Boat expedition and have been amazed of the beauty and wildness of being at 80km away from shore and seeing orcas, false killer whales as well as a variety of birds such as albatross, shearwaters and the Wilson's storm petrel who are migratory birds. It really was an amazing experienced where I got to talk with some Marine Biologist and ask them so questions.
What is The Bremer Canyon?
The Bremer Canyon is a deep sea clef that lies about 80km out from the southern coastline of Western Australia (WA). The Canyon covers 4472 square kilometres, with depths from 15 metres to 5000 metres.
What can be observed at Bremer Canyon?
Multiple species of dolphin, Long-Finned Pilot Whales, Sperm Whales, Oceanic Blue and Whaler Sharks, Australian Sea Lions, New Zealand Fur Seals, even rare Beaked Whales, giant squid, and seagulls, among other pelagic species, assemble in vast numbers above the canyons.
Killer Whales/Orcas:
Killer whales, often known as orcas, are the biggest of the dolphins and one of the most formidable predators on the planet. Their striking black-and-white colour makes them instantly recognised. Orcas are intelligent and gregarious creatures who create a broad range of communicating sounds, and each pod has its own characteristic noises that its members can distinguish even from afar. They communicate and hunt by echolocation, which involves producing underwater noises that travel until they hit things, then bouncing back to indicate their location, size, and form.
How do they hunt and what do they eat?
Orcas/Killer Whales are at the top of the food chain and eat a wide variety of things, including fish, penguins, and marine animals like seals, sea lions, and even whales, with four-inch-long fangs. They have a reputation for grabbing seals directly off the ice. They consume fish, squid, and seabirds as well.
False Killer Whales:
What is life like for a False Killer Whale?
If you're a false killer whale, family and friends are everything. They are very gregarious and create strong, long-lasting connections. These enthusiastic dolphins typically swim in groups of 10 to 40 dolphins, jumping out of the water, performing flips, and generally messing about. They will occasionally join forces with other pods to produce superpods containing hundreds of individuals.
What do they Eat?
False killer whales consume largely fish and squid, although they also devour other marine animals including smaller dolphins and humpback and sperm whales. They eat larger fish than many other dolphin species, preferring tuna and mahi-mahi, and may devour up to 5% of their total weight per day. Feeding isn't something you do alone. They'll go hunting together and divide food among pod members.
Wilson's storm petrel:
Wilson's storm petrels breed along the Antarctic coast in colonies. They only lay one egg in small rock fissures or soft mud tunnels. The position of the nest is chosen such that it is just a few shuffling feet from the landing area to the nest.
Outside of the mating season, Wilson's storm petrels spend their whole lives at sea. They feed largely tiny crustaceans like krill that they catch from the ocean's surface. The birds flapping and fluttering their wings have a distinctive low-level flying profile.
Wandering Albatross:
Wandering albatrosses have a large pink beak with a white head, neck, and body. The plumage of juveniles is generally black, although it gradually whitens with age. The breeding season for wandering albatross is every two years.
Both parents are responsible for incubating and nurturing the half-kilogram egg. Fish, cephalopods, jellyfish, and crabs are all eaten by wandering albatross. They also devour the carcasses of penguins and seals.
During their growing period, chicks consume up to 100 kg of food.The rearing phase is around 300 days long. Young birds spend 5–10 years at sea before returning to there birthplace to reproduce. Wandering albatross foraging forays can last up to 50 days at a time.
Short-Tailed Shearwaters:
The Short-tailed Shearwater's plumage is entirely dark brown, with hints of white in the centre of the underwing on rare occasions. The dark grey feet trail somewhat behind the dark grey tail when in flight.
The Short-tailed Shearwater is the most prevalent shearwater in Australia's south and south-east shores during the summer months. During the mating season, millions of birds flock to tiny islands all around Australia, from New South Wales to Western Australia. The parents abandon the breeding islands and travel north-east after their chicks are old enough to care for themselves.
The Short-tailed Shearwater feeds on krill, tiny fish, and other small marine organisms. They usually catch their prey on the surface of the sea, but we have seen them dive under the water on occasion.