Cranes Part 1: Brolga
We spotted a lot of Brolgas on our journey. Cranes are dad's spark birds, and these two lovely birds are members of the Crane family. It was the bird that inspired Dad's interest in birdwatching. Here's a little additional information about them, follow for Part 2: Sarus
The Brolga is a large grey crane with a red head that lacks feathers and a grey crown. The legs are grey, and the chin has a black dewlap. Males are taller than females.Brolgas are one of Australia’s largest flying birds – they stand a metre tall and have a wing span up to 2.4 metres.
The Brolga inhabits large open wetlands, grassy plains, coastal mudflats and irrigated croplands and, less frequently, mangrove-studded creeks and estuaries. It is less common in arid and semi-arid regions, but will occur close to water
Brolgas are omnivorous (feeding on both vegetable and animal matter), but primarily feed upon tubers and some crops. Some insects, molluscs, amphibians and even mice are also taken.
The Brolga is found across tropical northern Australia, southwards through north-east and east central areas, as well as central New South Wales to western Victoria.
Brolgas are mate for life, and the pairs bonds is strengthened during the courtship displays, which involve much dancing, leaping, wing-flapping and loud trumpeting.
An isolated territory is established, and is vigorously defended by both partners. The white (blotched with brown and purple) eggs are laid in a single clutch. The nest is a large mound of vegetation on a small island in a shallow waterway or swamp. Both of the adults incubate the eggs and care for the young birds.
Great visuals and details about Brolgas! Looking forward to learning more about these unique birds and plants!
Beautiful birds.