Lava Tubes
On our way to Cairns through the Savannah Way we stopped at the Undara Lava Tubes and were extremely lucky here is the fun story:
Since the start of the trip mom has been saying " plan always plan!! don't leave it at the last minute!" and of course dad and I aren't listening and forgot to plan and book therefore we couldn't go on a tour. The ladies were extremely nice and said well " the next tour is at 1:00pm. So we waited and at 12:55pm we were at office waiting for a cancellation. 3 mins late here we are on the bus towards the lava tubes! Yep we were extremely lucky 3 people didn't show up.
Okay enough of story now time for some science and explanations about lava tubes.
What are Lava Tubes?
Lava tubes are natural conduits through which lava travels beneath the surface of a lava flow.
How are Lava Tubes Formed?
Under the surface of a lava flow, lava passes through lava tubes, which are natural passageways.
Lava channels and pahoehoe flows crust over, resulting in the formation of tubes.
A primary lava tube and a number of smaller tubes that feed lava to the front of one or more distinct flows are frequently found in a large lava flow field.
Lava in the tube system drains downslope and leaves partially empty conduits below the earth when the flow of lava stops at the conclusion of an eruption or is redirected elsewhere.
Such drained tunnels frequently have "high-lava" stains on their walls, flat floors, and a large number of lava stalactites that hang from the roof. lava is streaming.
Under the surface of a lava flow, lava flows via natural tunnels called lava tubes. Lava channels and pahoehoe flows crust over, forming tubes.
A large lava flow field frequently comprises of a primary lava tube as well as a number of smaller tubes that feed lava to the front of one or more distinct flows.
Lava in the tube system drains downslope, leaving largely empty conduits beneath the earth when the supply of lava ends at the conclusion of an eruption or lava is redirected elsewhere.
Are there Lava Tube anywhere else in the world?
Yes, there are in every country in the globe. Here are the nations and their relative numbers:
Congo: 1
Ethiopia: 1
Kenya: 14
Rwanda: 3
Uganda: 1
Tanzania: 1
China: 15
Japan: 3
South Korea: 3
Saudi Arabia: 1
Italy: 4
Iceland: 1
Portugal: 14
Spain: 7
United States: 25
Samoa: 1
Australia: 1
New Zealand: 2
Galapagos: 1