Eulo - Outback Queensland
Eulo is a little town with a population of less than 50 people, it consists primarily of a pub, a general store and an art gallery. It was once a gathering point for opal miners from the neighbouring Yowah mines. When arriving into town, you can encounter "Kenny," the legendary Diprotodon Optimum. The Diprotodon was the largest of the Australian megafauna, weighing up to 2.8 tonnes, and lived between 2.588 million and 30,000 years ago.
the largest known marsupial to roam the earth
Modern day relatives are the wombat and koala
Herbivore that grazed and browsed on vegetation
Distinctive feet with broad footpads, strong claws and pigeon-toed hind feet
Young carried in a backward facing pouch large enough to carry a human child
Diprotodon lived in areas of grassland, woodlands and open forests
Large continuously growing lower jaw tusks were probably used both in feeding and combat.
That place looks great Anna-Lei! I can’t believe you’re in central Australia already!